men jag ville bara säga att -
Jag älskar dig!
Hoppas jag fick dig att le lite nu :)
/Emmy till Åsa <3
Denna blogg flyttas!!!
Nu flyttar denna blogg till en annan plattform.
Hoppas våra fina läsare följer med oss dit! =)
He's wondering around,
Not sure of what's in store,
He's lost in what seems to be a dream,
One look, one smile, one "I'll never leave your side"
Would bring light into whatever makes him stay around.
But the darkest days, are not in store.
One thing is for sure.
The loss of you will never leave my side,
The loss of you will always be around.
So I'm wondering around.
Not sure what's in store,
I'm lost in what seems to be a dream.
So just one look, one smile, one "I'll always be around"
Would bring light into whatever makes me stay around.
So the darkest days, would not be store.
But one thing is for sure,
The loss of you will always be around.
The loss of you will never leave my side.
Skrev ner det som hastigast,
Men där har du lite av mina känslor.
Du vet vad jag menar.
Jag är ingen som jagar, har aldrig vart och kommer aldrig att bli.
Och så förblir det..
So if you want me, you have to work for it..
För jag är nära att tröttna snart.
No scrub
Behöver man säga nått mer?
haha! ^^
Var tvungen att ladda upp den här, ska visa Silvana imorgon.. ;)
Det är så himla skönt att ha nära vänner när man inte mår bra.
Jag var hemma och var på dåligt humör, pratade med Åsa i telefonen, det tog två sekunder sen sa hon "Men kom hem och sov hos mig!". Så jag packade mina grejer, sprang ut och hoppade på hennes buss..
Jag är så himla lyckligt lottad att ha en så bra vän som hon.
Hon är min lilla pojvän nu när jag inte har någon, haha..
Så nu ska vi ladda ner en film, kolla på den och antagligen babbla massa.. jag känner att jag behöver det,
har mycket på hjärnan nu som jag vet bara hon förstår..
Älskar dig gumman <3
It isn't my call.
And you can say what you want
Turn around every night
So now you're always going off
Doesn't matter what I've done
Or if I even crossed the line
Is that the hollar going for blood
Boy, it doesn't have to be a fight
Throwing out the blame when you know it ain't my fault
Messing with my brain when you want to see me fall
There may come a time when I don't bother you at all
It isn't my call, it isn't my call
Take a minute to tell you now
Don't have to raise my tone
Take the level and bring it down
I just want you to know
I got no trouble with what you said
I don't even think you're wrong
It's how you say it
You lose your head
Girl I'm standing right in front of you
Throwing out the blame when you know it ain't my fault
Messing with my brain when you want to see me fall
There may come a time when I don't bother you at all
It isn't my call, it isn't my call
Silence is golden

Med Silvana;)
I wanna live today.
I know we could live tomorrow,
But I know I live today.
I know we could live tomorrow,
But I dont think we should wait, no.
I dont like to wait.
I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
I have a long road ahead of me
It’s cloudy and dark it's hard to see
Will I ever get through to the end?
Been down this sling so many times before
And I have told myself I wouldn't it no more
Now I’m back on the same road again
I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
There’s some twists and turns I’ve gotta clear
But when I’m done the end will soon appear
I can leave my troubles behind
I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
I never stopped believing
I know what I should do, just let the light guide me through
I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking...